More Puppies! - {Utah Pet Photographer}

I LOVE working with puppies. So much rolly-polly cuteness! This is my fourth time working with this family's puppies, and sadly, they last. Momma dog is getting tuckered out having so many puppies (she always has large litters for her tiny size), so they are retiring her. But we still had lots of fun with these little guys.

We thought it was funny how the largest of the litter, who we call Big Boy, and the runt, named Midget, are so different in size it looks like they came from two different litters. Seriously, Big Boy is twice the size of his sister! Bu what she lacks in size she more than makes up for in personality. Love her!

In the past I have gone all out on some of my puppy session, but we decided to keep this one sweet and simple, and I think it went remarkably well. The puppies were very cooperative and highly photogenic:-)

Here are some of my faves:
Can't get enough of this cuteness? Check out their full gallery password: puppies4thlitter


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