Krystal - {Layton Children's Photographer}

Krystal is one of my very favorite subjects to photograph, and I am not just saying that because she is my niece. She has so much spunk and sass, you can't help but love her! She is an excellent little model, full of smiles, and just loves to pose for the camera:-)

Krystal loves to dance, so her parents signed her up for a dance class (ballet and tap). Her little dance costumes were soooo cute! She's totally rockin' the sequins, but I think she would have been happier if she didn't have to have her hair done.

We did both indoor studio portraits and outdoor portraits. I am not generally a fan of shooting in full daylight with a subject dressed in white. It is very tricky trying to get good exposure. If the shirt is well exposed, it often means the rest of the image is going to be very dark. But if you expose for everything else, the shirt becomes a bright white blob. Not cool. Fortunately, all that time spent doing weddings in Vegas has taught me a trick or two;-)

At one point I had Krystal in front of my beautiful wild rose bush. It is a MASSIVE bush, taller than the house, and loaded with white blossoms. It makes a great backdrop for little girls. So she was standing in front of it, posing cutely, when she looks down and exclaims, "Oh! Ants!" We rush over, and sure enough, she was standing on an ant pile!! She was fine, thank goodness (though I can't say the same for the ants), and we just moved to a different spot. We have such an ant problem in the area. I think the woods and the stream keep them thriving. But fortunately they are not the dreaded fire ants I grew up with in Texas. Nasty things!

So here are some of my faves from the session. Hard to pick just a few faves, because they are all so cute!


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